Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The spinach I planted is bolting. Should I cut off the flower stalk, or pull it out and plant more spinach?

The answer here is definitely pull it out. It will be quite bitter once it bolts. Replant but I would hold till the main heat leaves. Spinach will do well into November and a frost will only sweeten it when picked. Happy Planting.

The spinach I planted is bolting. Should I cut off the flower stalk, or pull it out and plant more spinach?
Spinach is a cool weather plant, like lettuce and cabbage. Plant in batches, about 10 days apart and plant some in the shade for a continuous supply throughout the growing season. Try using small containers indoors in indirect light as well.
Reply:Spinach is a cool season crop and starts to bolt when the weather gets hot. When the flower stalk starts to show, I harvest the leaves within days and pull out the plant. You can plant more spinach for a second crop in the fall. Try to find bolt-resistant cultivars which will keep longer and plant in partial shade for a cooler environment. Mulch the plants to keep the soil cool.
Reply:Pick it and plant more. You can also plant in batches a few weeks apart so you have a continuous harvest. I always pluck leaves as it's growing and eat them but if it's gone to seed just pick it and eat it. enjoy!
Reply:Pull it out and use it up. It'll become bitter.

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