Monday, May 11, 2009

I have aquired a plumeria stalk, I am attempting to grow it indoors in my michigan home and advice?

I have also brought home about 4 cups of Hawaiian sand straight from the beach. Any advice on pots, soil, lights? Mahalo for your help.

I have aquired a plumeria stalk, I am attempting to grow it indoors in my michigan home and advice?
they are such a pretty plant but kinda touchy. The best web site I have on plumeria's is:

It is a great site with pictures and lots of information for the novice grower. Mike Anders, who runs the site do a fantastic job with it.

You can grow Plumeria's anywhere with the proper soil and light conditions. In the states, they are usually grown in containers, and moved inside during cooler months. I trust you know that this plant goes dormant during the winter and all you have is a lot of sticks. It is well worth the time to grow. Be sure to visit Mikes website!!
Reply:Needs sun and warmth. Don't know if Michigan is warm enough!

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