Monday, May 24, 2010

Is it more fun to stalk someone or be stalked?

I have been on both ends of the stick. I would say I like stalking better. What about you?

BTW im only kidding (but it's true) (lol) so dont go reporting me please.

Is it more fun to stalk someone or be stalked?
Both is fun to me
Reply:Thank You!

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Reply:I would prefer neither, but I'm not sure we have the same definition of stalking. In Illinois, which is where I live, stalking means obsessing over somebody and showing a propensity of violence toward your victim.
Reply:*thinks* well, i've never stalked anybody, but i have been stalked. It is NOT fun. I never desired to do it to anyone, and never would. It's a terrible feeling. It makes you really over-anxious, and takes a long time to heal from it, depending on the severity. I'm still working on getting over it.

*thinks* sick, psycho, relentless stalkers lol.

*edit* anthony -- it's funny how laws vary from state to state. where i live it can be anything from calling the person anonymously, or at inconvenient hours in such a way that it is threatening, or annoying, OR excessive following (physically stalking) them in or about a public place, for reasons that show no legitimate purpose, to actual threats. (like of a physically violent nature, or even of lewd remarks) It's a long list (too long to cite all the specifics, but those are the basics); It's essentially any act by the perpetrator that is seen by the victim as a 'threat' or 'threatening' or that causes any emotional trauma or damage [anxiety] on the part of the person being stalked.

*sighs* thank God for laws, even though most people don't obey them lol.
Reply:it's actually creepy either way!
Reply:Neither, as both are against the law!! (PS - I know you are only kidding)!!
Reply:Stalk someone else :D
Reply:I don't think that anyone has ever stalked me. I've only obsessed. I'd say, I'd rather be stalked. It sounds more exciting. Plus I don't have time to stalk anyone.

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