Monday, May 24, 2010

Rice Stalk Bands Around Trees?

What exactly are the Rice Stalk Bands around trees for?

I was told years ago the idea is that Bugs would burrow into the softer Rice Stalk material to hibernate for the Winter to lay their eggs.

Then, just before Spring, workers would cut them off and burn them, thus destroying the hibernating bugs and their eggs.

It seems reasonable; I would like to hopefully learn exactly what these Rice Stalk Bands around trees are for. Hopefully readers in the Korea section may provide some information.

Rice Stalk Bands Around Trees?
You were told correctly...

My neighbor's husband does this job exactly.

and, according to her, it works wonderfully, although I have been curious and looked closely in the bands for bugs, but have never seen any.

I lived in Japan for a few years and never saw this plan in action, so I am curious if other nations do this as well.
Reply:When I lived there, I was given a more simple explaination. It keeps the cold from killing the trees, I was told. I helped our landlord do it for five years in a row. We'd wrap the trees up to keep them alive through the winter. Just before spring, it is still pretty cold in Korea. We'd burn the cut off ropes under the house to instantly heat the floor. He never mentioned insects. By the way, do they still use yun-tan for heating the floors?

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