Monday, May 24, 2010

What makes stalkers.... well stalk people?

i know it has to do with an obsession but really underneath that. are these people socially awkward? fall under some mentally disabled list? do they have hallucinations that over come reality? is it what the movies have me believe?

What makes stalkers.... well stalk people?
I believe a lot of it has to do with fantasy. They lose touch with reality and have fantasies about their targets. The brain does not differentiate between imagination and reality. In other words, having intense fantasies itself can be the source of their attachment to their victims.

They also tend to "prey" on those who are unobtainable.

They idealize their targets, believing that their victims are their soul mates.

They seem to have attachment problems, perhaps an anxious attachment style.

I also think these kinds of people are often very lonely and isolated, but use fantasy to compensate for their inhibited social lives.

And perhaps when a relationship has ended, they use fantasy and denial to continue the relationship.

Of course, I am talking about stalkers who stalk for intimacy purposes here. There are many types of stalkers.
Reply:well i utilize Google a lot to look up people i know and myself. i just am curious. i also have obsessive compulsive tendencies. i have never physically "stalked" someone, in fact i am shy and i avoid them. but i am still curious and i do google people and find info and dirt on them.

i think stalking is an obsessive you are so fixated onthe person you just have to follow them around and see what they have been up to. you become obsessed.

i can see someone like that being socially awkward.

also, perhaps it has also to do with the notion that they put that person on a pedestal and they just want to know what the person is really like and they want to know what the person does. in their minds, the person is amazing and they just want to know what they are really all about
Reply:pure obession. could be OCD or something deeper than that. i dont think they do that for perversion or power or anything, i think they do it so they have control over someone they obsese. it is pretty sick though
Reply:In some situations, it's because they have an infatuation or obsession about the person they're stalking and needs to be dealt with by peers and certified psychologists. In others, it could be because of a genuine concern for that person and are checking in on them almost like a parent or sibling might do. Perhaps they don't even realize what they're doing could be considered stalking. Social awkwardness could be a factor in both situations. This is just one person conjecturing and in no way a professional diagnosis.

Some actions can be mistaken for stalking such as a surveillance situation, but that's a whole different subject.
Reply:That is a good question ! Maybe somebody will be nice one day and tell you the answer !!! I bet it's comments like the one I just said cause its probably has to do with,money,jeoulousy, people you should stay away from and also political issues !

If you think I'm wrong than lets see a better answer !!!!
Reply:Control. It's about power and control.

"I'm always watching you; I know everything you do, and everyone you talk to; I'm always there, lurking."

It's a way to terrorise someone, and make them constantly afraid. Thus, by preventing them from feeling at ease, you're completely controlling them.

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